TFT’s Jumbo Short Ball Intake Valve has a huge 5.25" (133
mm) diameter waterway giving low friction loss to maximize flow.
Friction loss is only 3 psi at 2,000 gpm (0.2 bar @ 7,600 l/min). This
series is designed for use 3.5", 4", 4.5", 5" or 6" (89, 100, 115, 125
or 150mm) hose include a parallel shaft handle.
Product Option
No PRV (Pressure Relief Valve) or
With PRV (Pressure Relief Valve)
Product Style
Right Handwheel or
Top Hand Crank
Thread Type
125mm (5") Male NHT x 125mm (5") Female NHT or
125mm (5") Storz x 150mm (6") Female NHT or
150mm (6") Male NHT x 150mm (6") Female NHT or
150mm (6") Storz x 150mm (6") Female NHT